(02) 6921 4988
All plans are available to be downloaded on the website. If you would like a copy of the plans posted out please fill in an enquiry form on the contact us page.
Our Salesperson can alter the plan of your choice to your specific requirements, then provide you with a detailed quote including any extras or changes you may require.
Site Assessment
We provided a free no obligations site assessment to make sure there is no issues with getting the Transportable house on site & explaining any site works which may need to take place.
Specific Reports
For all houses specific reports are required and our salesperson will be able to explain what reports you are required to obtain. Most houses will require the following reports: Soil Classification, Bushfire Assessment & Septic Report.
Finish Selection
An in store appointment with our Salesperson to go over the choice of all finishes, electrical points, lighting positions & Appliances.
Once all documents & reports have been finalised, contracts will be put together & sent out for you to read over & sign.
Once contracts have been signed & home warranty insurance obtained, a 5% deposit is required to be paid. This will then allow the building works to commence on your house.
On Site Works
All on site works need to be completed before the house is to arrive on site. All on site works are to be organised by the customer. Whilst Lloyds Homes do not organise the on site works, we are more than happy to assist with any questions you may have.
Your house is delivered to site and placed onto the position as directed by the customer. At this stage an 80% payment is required.
The house is finished being put together on site. Once this has taken place & the customer is happy with the final product the remaining 15% payment is required.
Lloyds Transportable Homes has designed and built customised, affordable transportable homes for regional families throughout NSW and Victoria since 1967.